
I DIDN’T DO IT: How it Began (PART I)

At Kibera Criminal Courts Nairobi

“Mr. Pedro Petero, you are charged with the offense of indecent assault contrary to Section 5(1) of the Sexual Offences Act, the particulars being on the 5th day of March 2021, at Kilimani apartments, in Kilimani sub-county of Nairobi county, at 20h00 at night, you unlawfully and without consent, penetrated the genital organs of Ms. Aurora Bugiarda using your hand. How do you plead?” said the court assistant.

” I didn’t do it,” replied Pedro, with tears rolling down his cheek. As he stood in the dock, he wondered why life could simply be unfair to one person. Pedro had never had it easy in life. Trouble just seemed to follow him. But why would Aurora do this?


                                                    A FEW YEARS AGO


At the Kilimani Child Protection Office

“We are so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother,” said Mr. Juan Bugiarda to Pedro.  Pedro had come from a modest family. His mother had been a teacher at High Flyers Group of Schools (HFGS), a group of academies run by Mr. Bugiarda. Because Pedro was a high achiever and a very disciplined student, Mr. Bugiarda chose to sponsor his education at High Flyers Academy-Kilelshwa.  Mr. Bugiarda was a very wealthy man. His schools raked in a gross of about Kshs 350 Million in gross earnings per month.

“I wish I could say that it is okay,” said Pedro. ” But with my mother gone, I know things will never be the same,” he said.

” How about you stay with my family?” asked Mr. Bugiarda. Pedro was not very sure about that. He never really got along with Mr. Bugiarda’s children. Jaime and Jose, the two Bugiarda twins particularly disliked Pedro. They often bullied him because of his modest background. The only good thing going for Pedro was that he was always top of his class.

“I don’t know …I am not sure” replied Pedro. At the back of his mind, he knew that the Bugiarda twins would make life difficult for him.

“You are a child and by law, someone has to take care of you,” said Mr. Bugiarda. “And….none of your other relatives wants you,” added Ms. Maria Cruz, the child protection officer with a very grave face.

“You have only two options, you either agree to stay with Mr. Bugiarda and his wonderful family, or you get ….into the system” she added.

Pedro had heard stories about the system. He had heard about how children would be taken from one children’s home to the other. After all, the government did not have the facilities to take care of all its children. He hated the thought of being labeled an “ICP”, a child in need of care and protection.

“So what do you say?” asked Maria. “I……I don’t really know” said Pedro. “This is what we will do, we will place you immediately at Le Monstre. It will just be for a few days as we get the necessary court orders to place you with Mr. Bugiarda” she said. ” This will give you a feel of what the system is like so that when you get to Mr. Bugiarda’s home, you will truly appreciate what you have been given,” she added.

“What is Le Monstre?” asked Mr. Bugiarda inquisitively.  “It is a THF. A temporary holding facility. We put children who have no homes there as we await placement orders from the court. Since today is Good Friday, we will put Pedro there for the Easter weekend as we wait for placement orders from the Children’s Court on Tuesday.

“But…..but, can’t I just stay at my home?” asked a very tearful Pedro. ” I know our things were taken but I can even sleep on the floor.  Please don’t take me to Le Monstre.” cried Pedro.  “No, you can’t go home,” said Maria. “From now on, you are the property to the government of the Republic of Kenya,” she added.

“Just be patient son,” said Mr. Bugiardo. “In just three days you will come home with me.”

“If he survives it…” whispered Maria, with a smirk on her face. Mr. Bugiardo had not heard the whisper but Pedro did.

As Maria took Pedro by hand, to a waiting car, lots of thoughts went through Pedro’s mind. His mother had taught him how to pray. He didn’t feel like praying at this time, but he did pray.

“GOD……., mum taught me that I should always pray, even when I don’t know what to say. She said that I should pray especially when I don’t feel like praying. I don’t have much to say but I have one question. WHY DID YOU LET MY MOTHER DIE? I thought you loved her! I thought you loved me. Now I am going to Le Monstre. I have heard a lot of bad things about that place. What will happen to me?” he prayed in his heart as he began to sob.

He desperately needed comfort. As he sobbed, a thought came to his mind to open his mother’s old BIBLE. That was the only of his mother’s possessions that he could hold on to. Everything else was taken. He thought about his favorite uncle Emiliano. Uncle Emiliano had always been good to him. But why had he abandoned him? he thought. Why had he stood there as his other uncles took everything that Pedro’s mum had left? Why was life so unfair?

He tearfully opened the BIBLE. His eyes landed on a verse mum had underlined for him. He could almost hear mum’s voice as she would often read this verse.

Jeremiah 29:11 ” For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (NKJV) New King James Version (NKJV) – Version Information – 

As he read this, it simply didn’t make any sense to him. Would he make it? Would he survive Le Monstre, how about Mr. Bugiardo’s home with his twins who were bullies? Multiple questions with no answers. All Pedro knew was that he had to be strong for himself. He would live in the moment and let the future take care of itself. At least for now….he was still alive.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To be continued in the next Chapter<<<<<<<<<<<

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  1. Pingback : I DIDN’T DO IT: Monstrous Experience (PART II) - Insights

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