

For the purpose of this post, I will role play and show you what goes on in the mind of a predator. I will be a predator for this post. Today I will share with you how I destroy women. I know violence also happens against men, but for this post, I will tell you what I do to capture and attempt to destroy women.
STAGE ONE: The Attraction Stage
Here I will get connected to you. I will start by being a very good friend to you. The friendship will progress with time until you can only think about me and me alone. I will find a way to be a hero in your life, or better still I will create a crisis or even a tragedy in my life and give you an opportunity to “save” me. You will fall for me. Very hard and very fast. It’s all about psychology darling. All about psychology.
I will notice very carefully the signs that you have fallen for me. You will find yourself spending more and more time with me, and less and less time with your friends and family. I will encourage you to spend as much time with me to the exclusion of everyone else in your life. Sharing creates bonds. I will want you to share with me everything. The more I know, the more I can use against you. The more vulnerable you become to me, the more I can exploit you.
STAGE TWO: The Separation Stage
After some time of dating you, I know you will have complete trust in me. I will slowly start to separate you from the things and the people that you love. If you are working, I will tell you that you don’t really need to work. By this time, we probably will be living together. I will convince you that I have enough to take care of you. When you tell me that you love what you do, I will ask you, “Babe, between your work and me, what do you love most?”. If need be, I will create a tantrum.
Because you “love” me so much, you will sacrifice. Love is about sacrifice, isn’t it? You will quit your job. I will promise to always provide for you but in my mind, I will be in jubilation because I will have succeeded in getting you financially dependent on me.
My biggest challenge will then be to get you emotionally dependent on me. For this to happen, I will leverage the gains accrued from Stage One and work to separate you from your friends. I will try to convince you how bad your friends are. Your friends are smart. They will try to speak sense to you. They will try to expose me. You will hate them for this. You will cut them off for not accepting your darling. This will be perfect for me because when I show you my true colors, you will have nowhere to run to.
STAGE THREE: Exposure Stage
As you probably know by now, I am a narcissist. A proud one for that. As a narcissist, I really don’t care about your feelings. I am too important to care about your feelings. I will start exposing my true colors to you. I will want you to praise me continually. If it were possible, I would even want you to worship the ground I walk in. I will always remind you that you are ALWAYS wrong, and I am ALWAYS right. You cannot criticize me. I HATE IT.
STAGE FOUR: Violence Stage
One morning I will wake up and dress up. Because you love me, you will tell me that I have clashed my colors. I will snap at you and physically assault you. I told you I hate being criticized, didn’t I? I will beat you up. I will remind you that there is nothing you can do about it. After all, you don’t have friends anymore. You don’t have an income anymore. I got you to push even your family away. What will you do?
I will go to work and come back home in the evening. I know you will still be there. You have nowhere to go. I will come with a bouquet of roses. The type that you like. I will take you out to a restaurant that you like. Probably where our “romance” started. I will tell you that I am sorry. But am I really sorry? I will tell you that it was all your fault. You shouldn’t have triggered me. You shouldn’t have provoked me.
You will tell me that you didn’t mean to. That you just wanted me to look good. I will not hear any of that. After all, I am a narcissist. I am always right, and you are always wrong. I don’t care about your thoughts or intentions.
STAGE FIVE: The Cycle Stage
I will keep abusing you. I will keep tearing you down mentally, emotionally, psychologically and financially. I control you. I own you. You feed from my hand. At this stage I will just keep the cycle going as I hope that nobody wakes you up. With each cycle of violence, you will become weaker, I will become stronger. Until someday when you wake up. Until the day you remember who you are….or at least who you used to be. Until the day you remember your true value and worth as a human being. Until that day you love yourself enough to leave me, I will remain your predator, and you will be my prey.

3 Responses

  1. Gypsy Lake

    I have realized the first locked gate. The predator will say something horrible, disgusting and so shameful to a friend, lover, or family member about you not true and everyone will believe it and not repeat it but will instantly avoid you, detest and reject you. Only by some miracle if it is possible (usually not) to get the person to say what was said and who said it then there is a chance to end the predation.

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